Monday, January 29, 2007

Buses and Trains

Generally, the transport system in Singapore is high in frequency and accessible to most parts of the island. Notably, the train system is worthy of high praise as it shows up almost 3 to 5 minutes during peak hours. Given that commuters are prohibited from food consumption in the trains, cleanliness is almost impeccable.

With regards to the bus service, I feel there are lots of rooms for improvements. Particularly SBS Transit, the monopoly bus transport company, where one often find popular buses or routes are invariably filled to the brim. One classic example is feeder bus 238, which offers bus service for the heartlanders of Toa Payoh estate. Despite bringing on more buses during highly demanded peak hours, the queue never fails to cease. As a result, many senior citizens are compelled to stand on buses.

Personally, I have suggested to SBS to switch the single feeder buses to double deck buses to mitigate the high demand. This has also been widely adopted by other smaller bus companies servicing in the densely populated estates. Alternatively, revival of feeder bus or introduction of new feeder buses to the highly sought areas will also alleviate the insatiable demand. Quite often, the erractic bus schedules for popular buses often erratic do not help either. Certainly, the odour in the older SBS buses need to be checked too.

On a perky note, I have to commend on having TV mobile to come on board SBS buses. Certainly, one does benefit from news coverage or other informative shows during long haul bus journey. Hopefully, the recent evaluation scheme to lift up the public bus service, an initiative from Land Transport Authority will see some enhancements, especially SBS bus service.

Okay, maybe I went too far in my wishful thinking this time...


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