Monday, March 01, 2010

Who I Am? (Part I)

Currently, I am on the road of recovery from Achilles tendon. One of the causes for my recurring injury could be due to the deplorable state of my running shoes. To avoid history from repeating itself, I decided to pull along a friend in pursuit for my new purchase yesterday.

We headed down to Velocity, the sports and lifestyle mall in Singapore. We did not waste time and check into New Balance store right away. The service did not fail us. The knowledgeable salesperson greeted us and offered to help me find the right running shoes for my foot type. According to him, to figure out what type of running shoes one should buy, he/she first need to know the kind of feet he has.

After some observation of me running on the treadmill in different shoes, I was told that I have neutral or normal feet. Specifically, my footprint will have a noticeable curve inward, but not by more than 3/4 of an inch. This is the most common type of foot, and it's also the least susceptible to injury as long as it's outfitted with proper footwear.

Good news is I can choose from a wide variety of running shoes, including the ones made for neutral runners or those with slightly flat-footed or high-arched feet. I was also advised to stay away from running shoes that have a lot of stability or motion control. The issue is the most befitting shoes I have tried falls under the mild stability category. Hmmm...


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