Wednesday, March 03, 2010


I should be on cloud nine now. Have received a job offer today, after searching for a month. Well, guess I deserve a pat on my shoulder. On second thoughts, I am not so sure. The post offered to me is of public relations by nature. Based on my resume, it does meet my career objective.

Looking deeper into the prospective job, I feel that the challenge in terms of media management may be more than I could handle. For this role, one is managing both public as well as government relations on top of the media connections. Further, the avalanche of feedback from the residents has to be managed on a timely basis. The other negative aspect of the job is that I am expected to work beyond normal working hours, on weekends or public holidays. Guess the crunch from my mulling is that the pay is less than what I have hoped for or not comparable to the market rate for a managerial position.

On a larger picture, I would like to look at the job options available, as there are three more interviews to attend this week. One of which is the coveted communications job at a local hospital. For the other two interviews, I have been shortlisted by event companies. This is another area I would like to hone or explore further, if the pay is lucrative, especially when the job often requires long working hours.

Other than these three, I also have a pending communications opportunity at a logistics company (recommended by my friend) to be discussed further around middle of March. Guess I need to have a little bit of patience and above all, faith!


Blogger Nat said...

I would prefer confidence. I guess there are jobs available, always. That is my point of view. It is just a matter of whether your skill sets and goals match the job or not. Is skills match but not your goals, then it will be a paying by boring job. If goals match but not skill sets, well, you might have overestimated your career goals. But if the skill sets match and you have opportunity to grow into your career goals. Well that is the perfect fit isn't it. I hope you find something that fits you soon.

March 4, 2010 at 9:42 AM  
Blogger Pfeiffer said...

Noted on faith factor! I am one step closer to the best fit. I can see it and I must get it.:)

March 4, 2010 at 9:50 AM  

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