Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Show

If you think about it, life is really a show. An extract from the upbeat song, The Show by Australian singer, Lenka: "It's a joke nobody knows they've got that ticket to the show" sums up my sentiments fully. I mean each of us plays the leading role in our life. Basically, one is the director, script-writer and actor roll into one. So what makes a good show? In my opinion, a good movie would include: drama, challenges, never-say-die spirit, humor and lots of fun.

Just take a look at me now! Albeit I am in my mid-life crisis, I am still trying to put up a good show for myself.. Finally, I decide to sign up for a biking rally, SAFRA Runway Cycling this Sunday (thanks to persistent nudging from my friend). A bout of jitters! That's how I am feeling now.

It doesn't help that I hardly ride a bike. For me, I cycle for leisure purposes. Sure, the category I have enrolled is under Leisure Cycling Route (15km). Nonetheless, it would be a challenge for me to cover the long distance on a bike. Considering the event is a group ride, I researched on the cycling etiquette and like to share some pointers:

* pointing out potholes and other objects in the road for the person behind
* keep to the left but pass on the right
* indicate with your hand to people behind when the group ahead is slowing
* do not make abrupt and unannounced speed or direction changes
* if you get a flat in the middle of the pack, raise your hand, yell out “flat”, and hold your line until everyone has passed
* when standing out of the saddle, always pedal while simultaneously standing up to avoid a lag in momentum which can lead to the rider behind crashing into you.
* if you are in a fast group and don’t have the energy to pull the other riders, stay at the back out of the rotation. Nothing irritates experienced riders more than some yo-yo infiltrating their pace line.

Enough of theoretical talk. To alleviate my anxiety, let me kidnap my friend's bike for a spin, so talk to you later.


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