Friday, February 02, 2007


Often, I hear people stressing the importance of time management. Sadly, not many of us including myself have truly grasped the significance of maximizing every minute of our time.

Determined not to waste another year of my life, I decided to check out Wikpedia to upgrade my knowlege, when I stumbled upon the following*: “Many of us claim our days are never wasted. "I'm very organised" we say "I know where I am going and what I'm going to do". If you truly feel that way then you are in the minority. Most people become frustrated with a day that is unproductive . We would all like to get more done in a day”

The idea of time management has been in existence for more than 100 years. Unfortunately the term "Time management" creates a false impression of what a person is able to do. Truth is time cannot be managed and is uncontrollable! As such, we can only manage ourselves and use our time wisely.

Time management is actually self-management. It is interesting that the skills we need to manage others are the same skills we need to manage ourselves: the ability to plan, delegate, organize, direct and control.

I hope this information helps.


Blogger Pedge said...

A good post, really interesting. Time is a concept invented by humans and now we have been slaves under it or have we?

February 2, 2007 at 9:20 PM  

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