Bounce (Part 2)
I found out through the hard way that walking was more unbearable than running!! In order not to tire myself, I stuck on to my run and walk strategy. Guess the turning point was when I bumped into my friend (cum personal "trainer") again after 21km amidst the sea of runners. Unbelievable!
Having the same blueprint in minds, we ran the next two km and walked the other one km. Unfortunately, my right kneecap appeared to have fallen out of position. I suspect it was dislocated temporarily due to stress on my muscle! Thankfully, it popped back into place shortly.
Not wishing to put more pressure on my knees, I proposed to my friend to walk to finishing line from end of ecp (exactly at 30km mark). But he has other plans... Somehow, he managed to induce me to run another two km from 30km. It was an uphill struggle as I huffed and puffed across the targeted distance.
Putting my hands in the air, I raised the white flag to my friend and declared "no run" policy for the rest of the journey. Once again, speed walking proved to be more challenging than running for me. Being short by nature, my legs simply could not compete with my friend's long stride. No words could describe the agony I was in (both physically and mentally)!! Putting my discomfort behind me, I "stalked" my friend closely and focused on concluding the race with him together.
Finally, my persistence paid off! Coming to last 1.5km, we looked at each other and ran all the way to the end point. Only then I could fully relate to the fact that most enduring athletics actually transcend limit s pain to attain victory. Hey, my picture speaks a thousand of words:)