Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Not Anymore

Not anymore. Won't be affected by anybody anymore. First thing is to rekindle an interest to learn new things/acquire knowledge. Secondly, to manage my finances wisely to prepare for unexpected job hiatus. Concurrently, a more disciplined training for my marathon (my last one, probably) is in the pipeline, even if I have to do it alone. Next, upgrading myself academically is in the cards.

I also hope I have the opportunity to lend my voice to aid the visually handicapped folks before my voice gets cranky. Learning to swim the right way is the other item on my wish list. Not forgetting to continue my favourite tennis sessions (with or without a coach) to fine-tune my skills. And hopefully, I will be able to thwart my friends soon.:) And I can go on further...

Above are the reflections of my life after I turned one year older on Monday. Maybe I just worry that the list of things I don't bother to address is growing exponentially. So I have to start doing something now! Unless I can just say screw it and go live in the woods...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I am back for good. Last Sunday, I conquered another 1/2 marathon by Safra under inadequate practice condition. The result speaks for itself:

Net Finish:02:40:01.25
Category :21KM WOMEN'S OPEN

Honestly, I was not pleased about it albeit I did improve marginally by 5 secs. Furthermore, I ran non-stop except at drinks stations to meet my bigger target, 42km end of the year. Looks like I more motivated now to put in a proper training schedule to achieve my personal best for my 2nd marathon to come. Join me, anyone?